
Cried on the 19 april
Currently in ITE College East.
A guy who went through ups and downs in life.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007 |8/21/2007 06:06:00 PM

hey tHeRe..

well..iT hAs beEn aloNg tiMe siNce I've updated tiS bLoG..hMm...maNy tHings hAS happeN laTely...

hmm..well mY cOm is nOt werkiNg at tHe moment..sO tats wHy I caN't blOg mucH..hmm..preliMs had juSt eNded but its nOt tHe eNd..iN fAct its tHe beginning...
hmm...laTely..I've not been being mySelF...I dunno y...but I tHinK I'm jUst Not iN tHe mOod at tiMes...hmm..duNno lar wHy...

well...I thiNk tat shouLd be all 4 nOw...I'll upDate aGaiN iF i haVe tHe cHaNce...

hmm..sO..sEe ya ppL..

...hmmm....sOrie...nvr talK tO ya aniMore...well...just nOt feeLiNg god ar..well...I thiNk nOw everythiNg its baCk 2 nOrmal it I guess...