
Cried on the 19 april
Currently in ITE College East.
A guy who went through ups and downs in life.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007 |4/18/2007 09:02:00 PM

& yeAh ppL..tats shld be all..hmm..tat picx suRe weRe soMe MeMoRies..
I woN't 4get it maNn..& hmm..sO tats all FoLkz..
& tHanKz 4 tHe MeMories..

|4/18/2007 08:39:00 PM

HeyYoZz ppL..

aS u cN sEe or heAr i cN say..I've chaNge my soNg..yeAh..ThaNkz 4 tHE memories..
hmm..sO..tis wK..nth muCh haPpen..tats y nVr upDate..& I happeN 2 feel tat tis has beeN tHe best wK 4 me sO far..duNno ar y..

hmm sO..Im juSt boRed heRe..sO I'll be poStiNg sOme pics later..juSt 4 Fun..sOme old pics..oKlar..nOt tat all..juSt 4 u'll sEe..sO tats all guyZz..sEe ya ppL..

& oHya..HAPPY SwEet 16 BIRTHDAY 2 all tiS FreNds oF miNe..

Muhammad YaSir BiN SaiRi..16th april 2006..

Aidil Azhar & MasLiana..17th april 2006..

LiyaNa(AirRiFle)..18th april..

hmm..sO tats all guYZz..See yA..

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 |4/11/2007 07:18:00 PM

hEy lOoK...!!!


dOn"t meSs with tHe beSt..

yeAh..wE rOcK..!!

cRaZy pEeps..

aww..KesiAn AyiD..

juSt bOred maNn..

hmm..yeAh..ppL..sO tats all guyZz..haVe FuN..!!!!

|4/11/2007 06:44:00 PM

heYy tHere ppLz..

aS uSual..haveN't been upDatiNg..wEll..juSt laZy i gueSs..hmm..oKoK..shall sTarT witH Sun oNwards..


hmm..oK..suNday..nOt a bad day at all..wEll..did Nth much...woKe up arouNd 10 liKe tat..weNt oNLiNe..sO & So..deN..get reAdy 2 gO out..i weNt 2 JuroNg pOint with sOme oF my classMates..we weNt 2 waTch 'TMNT'..

hmm yeAh..tHe moVie wAs cOol..den..


hmm..sTarTed oFF with CME..BORING!!!..deN had PE..Napha teSt was 2.4Km ruN..yeAh...sO deN..reCess..followed by..maths..SS..& chem..Den ACT..but 4 ACT..dO worKsheets oNly..bcoz we nvr taKE bio..sO tats y..hmm..aFter skOol..weNt 2 Ten Mile..gO sHeNg sHioNg..den head HoMe..
hmm..dOne 4 MoN..


hmm..tues was quite a boRiNg day..oKlar..not tat boring..hmm..First halF oF the day wAs oK..but den aFter reCeSs..we had..4 Free was sO loNg..we didN't Know wat tO dO..
sO..wAs quite bOred ar..deN had cheM..& den weNt 2 KraNji as per NormaL..tHey had meeting..deN went bacK..dOne 4 tues..


sO..2day..hmm..eVerything was per normal..nth sPeciaL happeNed..& claSs is bz nOw tryiNg 2 maKe their claSs t-shirt..sO yeAh..hmm..we're trying 2 get tshirts..anyoNe help plz..???!!!..deN aFter skOol had ACT..yeAh..hed D&T..hmm..caN't aNythiNg bcoz the machiNe caN't be uSed..sO..juSt thiNk oF a way 2 impRove my prOjeCt..sO yeAh..tats all.. i gueSs..

& yeAh..

I'll be poStiNg up sOme pics tat we tOok duriNg D&T ACT.. ppL...taGg me..iF u happeN 2 dRop by..

sEe yA..

Saturday, April 07, 2007 |4/07/2007 05:17:00 PM

PiCtuReS DuRiNg SpeeCh daY !!


Friday, April 06, 2007 |4/06/2007 08:13:00 PM

Hey tHeRe ppl..


didn't update 4 tHe paSt 2 dayz..well..beEn bz i gueSs..I sHall sTarTed fRom wed..

Wednesday..4/4/07.. was per noRmal..accept iN tHe moRniNg..4a2 & 4a1 histoRy studeNts was called 2 gO tO tHe AVA rOom..the VP waNted 2 talKed 2 us..well..sHe spoKe alot oF tOok her 1 period..well..we missed 1 whole period oF D & T..hmm..den..had praCtical..aFter tat MT.. den talktime 4 me..pHeww...was glad..aFter reCess..everything was per normal..was a gOod day i gueSs..nO ACT..yeAh cOol..den leK2 at schoOl..siNce it wAs raiNing..around 3.30 liKe tat all went hoMe 2gether..but suddenly as we walk..when me..shuK & Su turned..all left already..sO it was me,shuK & Su leFt..sO..we walk3 until segar there den leK2 4 bout an hour..we talK3..den send Su hoMe den me & JacK went oFF...sO ya..tats all..

Thursday..05/04/07... was Speech day ytd..sO weNt out a little bit my classmaTes at Petir LRT den all walk 2 schOol 2gether..den met Wan..but he suddenly wanted 2 gO hoMe so he leFt..we den prOceed to the hall..wait & wait until 9.30 only den the prograMMe was quite slEepy b4 tat..but finally it tHE end oF tHe prograMme there wAs a special award given 2 AmbroSe lim..he wAs sufferiNg frOm soMe eyesight illneSs..but tat didn't sTop hiM from getting 2 JC..he was oNe tough guy...he went through sO maNy challenges..but I coNgratulate him upoN his achivemeNts..kEep gOing..aFter tat all weNt dowN 2 tHE caNteEn..4 sOme reFreShmeNts..we tOOk sOme pics oF us..yeAh..4a2 roCkz..i shall poSt it sOon..


aFter tat..gO 2 plaza..walk3..den went tO haiqal's bloCk as he waNted tO taEK his tHings 4 swiMming..den 2 Rizal's..den weNt 2 met Kiem,Wan & his bRo & Yasir..tOok 187..den procEed tO juroNg swimmiNg coMplex..well..reached there..Not all oF us swaM..oNly me..shuK..ijal..ayid & yasir..we had Fun..7 thought oF goiNg agiaN tis sat..den..aFter weNt 2 JuroNg eaSt..2 jam..but reach there already I went home as i had soMething oN..sO yeAh..tats it..


TodaY..hmm..woKe up..den watch TV..did nth..just bored..den around 12+..weNt oFf 4 Friday prayers..met Imran along the way..den went tO mosque..after tat ImraN waNted 2 gO 2 I went 2 plaza..bought lunch den head hoMe..& here I am now..upDating..yeAh been changing my soNgs & sKins..I just can't get the right oNe..well.sticK 2 tis 4 nOw..& yeAh..i want 2 thaNk Su 4 tHe sKin agaiN..taNx eh..

& till heRe deN ppL..

sO lOng..

plz give me comments oN my blOg..& tag me ppL..


Tuesday, April 03, 2007 |4/03/2007 10:09:00 PM


WaZzup PpL...

hmm..wel..ytd..did nth muCh..had CME at first dEn..PE..4 PE..we rAn outsiDe skOol..cheStnUt rOute..yeAh..hmm..den..recess..hmm..ohya..iT wAs daMn lame maNn..sTarTiNg fRom ytd we muSt gatHer at the paraDe square sia 4 us 2 gO baCk 2 wAs very hot..hmm..Normal leSsoNs aFter tat..deN aFter sKOol..ACT..MT..did sOme ws..dEn..sOme oF us wEnt 2 tHE hall 4 a briEfiNg..we were tHe sTudeNt was oNly about aN hOur..deN weNt doWn..watcH tHe parade..dEn..sat at tHe caNteen..talK2 witH Radd..Im..HaNa..COol maNn..Nice cHaTting with u gUyzz...dEn walk 2 PetiR with Hana..dEn..weNt baCk..weNt oNliNe..tats all..

& toDay..weNt 2 skOol..had health & FitNeSs..deN NormaL leSsoNs..well..nth muCh haPpen acTually..4 ACT..mdm Devi wAs nOt arouNd..sO wAs quite fRee 4 uS..dEn weNt 2 KRaNji..hAd sCouts..tHey learN hOW 2 maKe a trAil 2day..sO wAs quite exiTing..dEn weNt hOme..get a HELL out oF sColdiNg..dEn weNt oNliNe..

hmm..yeAh..tats all i guEss..

sEe Ya ppL..


tAgG me..

& yeAh..

TaNx SuhaiLah 4 tHe nEw blOgsKiN..appreCiate it loTZz...

Sunday, April 01, 2007 |4/01/2007 09:14:00 PM

heYyoZz ppL..its a lOng time siNce i blOg..Oklar..mayb nOt tat lOng..about 3 days mayb..well I thiNk its bcoz oF tis siCkness called.."Lazy"..welll..been bz with D&T projects all..& moRe..

hmm..I shall starT with thurs..


oK..all was per normaL..nth special happened..aFter sKOol..had ACT..leK2 with blOod..made a video..power oNe..I'll pOst it night weNt to mosQue..hmm..deN..came baCk..tats all i guEss..


well...2day wAs a sHort day i guEss..hmm..sTarTed oFF...with D & HakIem out with his werK as he wAs abesNt 4 tHE paSt leSsons...Den oNe period oF CT..den..eNg..RAdiAh FinaLLy did Her taLkTime..hmm...It wEnt well 4 Her..i gUess..den..MT..hmm..deN..After sKOol..gO 4 Friday pRayers..wtih aHamd..deN..went baCk 2 sKOol..wAs very bOred..waTch the NCC boys..Their veRy imPreSsive..leK witH aHmaD...deN arouNd 5.45..i tOOk OFf..reAch hOme dO nth..arouNd..7.30..mEt Ahmad at tHe sTadium..we weRe thiNkiNg oF buYing DiaDora begS therE..but the Shop turn out 2 Be cLosed..we were juSt a fEw miNuteS late..DamN..Den wEnt 2 Yew Tee..Eat there..talk3...Den..he weNt off with hIs CouZin..wEll..tats all i guess...


hmm..2 day woKe up laTe..I actually wAnted 2 Meet Ahmad 2 buy tHe beg..but i woKe up laTe..soRie Mad..den washup..get chaNge..weNt 2 sKOol 4 awhile..den weNt hOme..did nth..juSt bOred...arouNd 6.30 liKe tat..weNt out..weNt 2 KraNji tHe sCouts..lucKy I wAs oN tiMe..hmm..heAd 4 Greenridge Pri Sch..haD our District caMpFire..coNsist oF 3 district..tat Timah..yeAh..saw the Fox sCOut grp..cOol..hmm..iT wAs a gOod sTart at First..but started 2 get bored..well..i guess..there's 2 maNy ppL..we played with lightStiCks..yeah cOol..Mr Goh bought alot..& He treated me KFC..yeAh..tAnx cher...hmm..deN weNt hoMe..tats all..


hmm..oK..2day...woKe up early..did nth..den around NOon..i weNt out..gO 2 tHe stadium..YeS..!!!Finally bought the beg..well..its a satisFactiOn i gueSs..hmm..den weNt 2 Yew Tee..bouGht sOme sTuFFs..deN heAd hOme..hmm..did nth..sleep 4 awhile juSt Now..den until Now..still bored...hmm..tats all 4 Now i guess..till here den ppL..

see ya..
