
Cried on the 19 april
Currently in ITE College East.
A guy who went through ups and downs in life.

Sunday, May 20, 2007 |5/20/2007 10:34:00 PM

hEy ppL..!!!! hAs bEen a gReat dAy 4 mE i guEss..

starTed oFF by woKing up LATE AGAIN..!!!Aiyo..ape Nk jad HIDAYAT...i woKe up at 8.45..& tat is 15 minS b4 tHe gaMe..i wAs sO iN a ruSh..

reAched tuRf ciTy arouNd 9.30..deN quicKly cHaNged..we woN't tHe first gaMe & tat is agaiNts TEAM 17..den i played tHE 2Nd gaMe..well..i plaYed well i guess..but i wAs nOt satisFied tat i let iN oNe goal agaiNts ISA..we lose..but nvm..we plated wAs juSt nOt our luCk..den 4 tHe laSt wAs a real challeNge 4 mE..TEAM 17..realie tested me..tHey keep giviNg shots by shots..tHey had very gOod playErs iN tHeir team..but mins b4 tHe game eNd..tHey eventually sCored by an couNter attacK..sO we loSe tHe 2Nd gaMe agaiNts TEAM 17 but we woN't tHem iN tHe 1st game..but still i wAs quite happy with my perFomaNce..& I'm goiNg 2 iMproVe oN it..

aFter tat..went 2 eat with coach & soMe oF tHe TEAm A boyS..aFter we weNt baCk..wAs a tiriNg day 2day..weNt i Reached hoMe..i slept..deN weNt 2 play SepaK teammates was Azri & FariD A..sO it wAs quite a fuNNy game weNt we play..deN weNt hoMe..

sO..heRe I am nOw..updatiNg..& ready2 gO 2 bed as 2morrow is a sch day..

sO..till heRe deN ppL..

sO loNg..

taKe caRe...

Saturday, May 19, 2007 |5/19/2007 11:20:00 PM

Hey tHEre ppL..juSt chaNged my soNg..

Nth haPpeNed tis Few days..eVery thiNg was per normal..


today...woKe up LATE..i wAs suPposed to be at bt timah 4 match by 9.45..but ended woKiNg up late..sO..wHen i reach tHere..tHe gaMe had sTarTed..First halF wAs fiNd..but 4 2nd haLf..they scOreD..but mins laTer we catch up..den tHey sCored agaiN..but aGaiN we tHe last mins oF tHe game..we sCored tHe fiNishiNg goaL..& WON..!!!tHe sCore wAs 3-2..

aFter matcH..gO b.p witH Faizal & HafiZ..leK2 awHile..deN..tHEy weNt 2 tech whye..wHile i weNt hoMe..but oN mY wAy hoMe..met Zima..deN eNd up accompanyiNg her wHile sHe waits 4 hEr loVe..deN i weNt 2 my paRents...den weNt baCk..sO tats all...

sEe ya arOuNd ppL..

eNjOy tHe soNg..

taKe caRe..!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 |5/15/2007 06:49:00 PM

Hmm...oK...I tHiNk tat sHld be all..sOrie ppL..nO capTioN..
sO..eNjoy wAtchiNg tHoSe picx..especially 2 tHose wHo weNt 2 tHe camp..
taKe caRe ppL..