
Cried on the 19 april
Currently in ITE College East.
A guy who went through ups and downs in life.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 |3/28/2007 10:24:00 PM


I 4Get oNe mOre tHing..tO YouNg LeAdeRz...

dO u'll want 2 leaVe ur shirt plaiN jUst liKe tat..or waNt 2 dO soMethiNg else..??

& dO u'll want 2 haVe aN outiNg..??

hmm..reply me at my taGgboard..



|3/28/2007 10:01:00 PM

heY ppL..

well...i obviously have not been updating 4 the past 2 days..well..juSt tiRed i Guess..

hmm..oK..shal sTarT witH mOndaY FirSt..


hmm..leSson was per nOrmal..had P.E..FuHh..oK..not bad..did sKipPing..hmm..yeAh..den aFter sKOol..haD ACT..aFter ACT..sit at tHe caNteEn 4 awHile..waTcH the spEech day reahersal parade..deN weNt hOme..tats all...


tUesday..oK..didn't gO 2 sKool..not fEeliNg quite lEg wAs achIng..yeAh..haD trOuble wAlKing tOo..hmm..sO staYed at hOme..dEn aroUnd 3+..wEnt out 2 gO tO KraNji pri..tHe sCouts wAs haVing tHeir mEetiNg..sO caMe daWn 2 help Out..hmm..tHEy tOok their teSt..Den..plaYed sOme gaMEs..den weNt hOme..


hmm..oK today...sTarTed off witH D&T..well..had my praCtical starTed already..gOing sMOoth i gueSs..den..MT..eng..well 4 eng..mdm Devi didn't came intO claSs..sO we haD oNe periOd Free..aFter tat..Maths..SS...PhYsics..den assembly..hmm..MunesH perFormed 2day..yeAh..i gueSs they are pracTising 4 the upComiNg SYF comp...Gd LucK tO tHose wHo aRe parTicipaTing..2day ACT's wAs D&T..YeAh..gOt my pRactical gOing..well..i can say tat i'm sTarting off well tis tErm..i hOpe i can KeEp tat up..

& yEs..tO tat sOmeONe..iF u haPpen 2 reAd my blOg..I'm sOrie iF i've made u mad..& u're are chaNging..i hOpe u can be liKe tHe wAy u wEre..

& i tHinK tats all 4 nOw..

*..To "KEpalapuKi"..iF u waNt tO inSult me..gO ahead..i dOn't eveN giVe a daMn..
i tHinK u are oNe KEPALAPUKI...mmg sajaK lar 2 name nGn Kau..nO guts tO eVen type out ur oWn naMe..

Sunday, March 25, 2007 |3/25/2007 08:30:00 PM

Fajar Bowlers..


sMile ppL..

uS with Mr Lee..

THe bOys..

|3/25/2007 07:58:00 PM

hey ppL..

hmm..well didn't update 4 the past 2 days..well juSt simply lazy..

hmm..oK..i shall begin with Friday..


didn't do anything much..went tO sKoOl..everythiNg was per normal..well it was quite a sHort day..hmm..deN aFter sKOol..weNt 2 mosque..with ShuKri & aZri..aFter tat gO baCk soccer..sit around..den went home around 5+..reach hoMe dO nth..tats all 4 Friday..


hmm..oK..yeSterDay..woKe up eArly..aroUnd 9am i weNt out 2 meet the reSt at wOOdlaNds..meEt tHem..deN tOok the bus 901 2 SSS..

reaChed there already..Jia hao call Mr Lee..deN..He briNg Us aroUnd 4 a tOur..well..tHe sKOol POWER i can say..tHose studeNts muSt've been verY luCky 2 be iN it..its a verY gd sKOol..i can sat its a peRfeCt sKOol alright..

but..the best has yet 2 coMe..Mr Lee brought us 2 play wAs FuN maNn..its sO cOol..they eVen have their owN boWliNg alley..well..we played 4 Fun at firSt..den had a tournament..hmm..i reallie caN't bowl maNn..
i jUst caN't..den..tOok some picx..deN weNt hoMe..taNx MR Lee..i reallie appreciate it lots..i thiNk we all was a veru memorable day..I woUld nvr 4get it..

aFter tat..i thOught me & my clasmaTes..waNted 2 gO out but it turns out 2 be the very last min..all say..cannot..well..PemBuey..I was reallie ****ed,hamid,jia hao,zhiNing & JohNathan..went 2 CauseWay the others followed Finah 2 Hospital..i guess..we'll went 2 the arond 4 a while..den went 2 lot 1..wanted 2 eat but it was cRowded..sO we went 2 the around again..den..went down 2 eat..after,,we weNt up 2 gO 2 Xbox..COol..around 4.30 liKe tat..we weNt home..reached hoMe..wait 4 my couzin 2 coMe..den did nth..tats all i guess..hmm..& yeAh..taNx guys..i Reallie had Fun..


hmm..2day..woKe up quite early..went 2 the cemetry..den..went baCk..reacHed home..i slept untiL 5+..den..wash up..go out..& now baCk updating..well till here den ppL..

see ya around...

I will post the picx later oN..


Thursday, March 22, 2007 |3/22/2007 10:49:00 PM

hEy ppL..

well..juSt telling u wat i did toDay..hmm..sTarTed oFF wiTh cHem iN tHe moRning..well..cHem wAs nOt sO boRed bCoz Mr Chew shaRe with us his gHost stOries..hmm ya..den..folloWed bY MT writing worKsHop..quite iNteresTing i gueSs..hmm..recess..bla..bla..bla..den MatHs..its been 3 days siNce we had maths..well..we gOt our reSults alright..hmm..didn't dO quite well..well..haiZz..I REALLIE NEED 2 BUCK UP MANn...HELP ME SOMEONE...!!!hmm..den phySics..same tHing..deN hiSt..mdm Devi absent period..

aFter sKOol..lek2 at tHe canteen..juSt wasting our tiMe while waiting 4 ACT..den ACT..ACT wAs cOol..NO TEACHER..sO the class was liKe juSt dOing Nth 4 an hOur..but tHe guys was haviNg Fun..we saNg aloNg den maKe a video all..sth liKe tat lar..quite cOol ar..hmm..ya sO..aFter tat..ALL..leK outside..It wAs FUn maNn wHen we leK together..sO Fun..we lek3 until arOund 4.30 den all head baCk hoMe..

& here i am nOw at hOme..juSt downloAding sOngs..tats all..

ohya..sOrie Su..tKleh download 2 lagu..Sorie..tHe sec 2s are coming baCk 2morrow..sO i guess all will be baCk 2 normal oN moN..haizz..sO bOred..

hmm..till hEre deN ppL..

SeE Ya..


Wednesday, March 21, 2007 |3/21/2007 09:16:00 PM


wAtZzup ppL..!!!

hmm..2day..oK..did nth much..starTed oFF in thE mOrning with D&T..yeAh..did sOme drawINgs 2 FinIsh my FoliO..den aFter tat..tHe maLAy stUdents had ouR woRksHop..iT waS abOut coMpo..yEah..2day oNly part 1...2moRrow we will be haVing paRt 2..

deN reCess..aFter tat..wE haD SoCial wAs fUnny..Wan fought wiTh zUlryme..yeAh..dEn gOt oNe moRe thing..tHe boYs was gEtting reStleSs i guess..sO..sOme decided 2 call eaCh oTher up..stupiD sia..Wen Bin gOt reallie iRritated..haHa yeaH..hmm..followed bY eNg..mdm Devi was not in sCh sO wE juSt sat aroUnd see them plaYed their guitar..well..i didn't reallie eNjoy wAs woRth it lar..hmm..ya..Ms Yong reallie gave me 'a WAKE UP CALL'..hmm..she reallie got me baCk 2 mY senses..hmm..ya & i just wanna say..SORIE 2 zima..VERY3 SORIE...bcoZ oF me..she get a haRsh sColdiNg from Ms YOng bcoZ she nvr gO 4 her danCe on was my fault bcoZ i called her 2 coMe 4 tHe caMp..well..I'm VERY3 SORIE...didn't mean 2 get u iNto tRouble..


After sch..had Our D&T ACT..Finish up usual..leK2 under the vOid deCk witH tHE saMe guYs..deN weNt hOme..reached hOme..went onLine..& here i aM nOw...updatiNg...sO yeAh tats all..sO boreD..

well..again..I juSt waNna say SORIE 2 reallie maKe me feLt guiLty..

i gueSs tats all..

seE ya arOund ppL..

taKe caRezz...


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 |3/20/2007 09:30:00 PM

hey there ppL..

hmm..well..2day..hmm..2day was quite a peaceFul day..ya reallie...i meAn..there wAs onLy the sec 1s & 4As..the 4Es..was not in sch 2day..moSt oF the sec 3s wAs oUt 4 eXcersion..& the sec 2s is haviNg their Sec 2 caMp..yeAh..sO cOol..aT baHtera somemore..maNn..sO fUn sia..

hmm..sO..did nth much 2day..same old thiNg..we were sTill haVing our nOrmal leSsons..but moSt oF our teAchers are away as they are in charge oF soME oF the events tat the lower sec are havIng..

hmm..ya sO..we spent moSt oF our tIme slaCking 2day..but luCkily..some oF my classmates brouGht theIr guitars..yeAh..i tHinK its cOol..theY were gOod at playing wiTh it also..especially Wan.."jgn KeMbang ar"..hmm..yeah they were very gd at it..we were juSt heaRing muSic the whoLe day..seeiNg tHem play..maKes me waNna learn..its sO cOol..i tOok soMe videos oF tHEm..i'll post it whenEver i'm fRee..hmm..den After sKOol ACT..den..aFter tat..mE..Imran..Haiqal..HaKiem & Rizal..leK2 under the voId deCk near our sKOol 4 awhile..eAt sOme snAcKs...deN ard 4.45..all went hoMe...

sO..when i reAched hOme..bath all..bla..bla..bla..den weNt oNliNe..den..oFF 2 religious cLass..deN bacK hOme..weNt onliNe..& heRe I aM nOw updating..yeAh..tats all..hmm..i'm sTarTing 2 Miss HER..haizzz...well..nvm..




Monday, March 19, 2007 |3/19/2007 06:16:00 PM

heYyOoZzz...Wats up ppL..well..juSt gt baCk fRom sKOol..well..1st day oF the teRm..yeAh..eVerytHing iS Fun & noRmal 2day..nthh speacial happen..itS juSt tat..tiS moRning wE reCeived a neWs tat oNe oF our faJariaNs..Kenneth..had paSt away(innalillah)..oN be halF oF mY class wE aRe vEry sOrie..
hmm..oK..sTarTed of 2day with CME..well nth special..hmm den..fOllowed bY..PE was quite Fun 2day..we played capt. ball..It wAs daMn sHioK..our TeaM woN..YeaH..hehe...tanx Mr Siow..a grEat PE leSson 2day..den..aFter recess..3 peRiods..the teacher wAs aBseNt..sO we did the assignment given den we did oUr oWn things..den after skOol ACT..den i lek2 4 awhile with my classmates under the void deck..den gO plaza with ImraN..aFter gO hoMe..& here i aM updating my blog..
ohya..tO Zima & gang(Zima..Yati..Farlini..Nacho..& oF couRse Jack.."Gd luCk 4 ur dAnce compeTiTion.."wish u all the BEst..
i tHiNk tat shld be all..sO..
sEe Ya ard ppl..

Sunday, March 18, 2007 |3/18/2007 09:33:00 PM

& wat iS hE dOing...
dO they lOok aliKe...??
hahh..he's dowN...

oh lOok..big bro relaxing...
waT are tHey lOoKing at..??
oh No...!!!
yeAh..sLam hIm....
wat are tHey dOing...?
hahh..niCe faCe...
Fierce..mayb..?? I duNno...
tHey lOok mad...Y.. ??
sMile caN..
juSt liKe 2 be pampered..

hiDir & muSa..
aren't tHey tiRed..??
wat abIg sMile there..

sO engroSsed...
his sO blur... pOor big brO...

heyYoZz ppl..ya..saw the picx.. ??..hmm..i tOok them juSt noW..when my cuzz...was at mY hSe..yeah..thEy caMe oVer 2 gEt soMethIngs dOne..den..wHile they were palYing ard with thEir brOs..i TOok sOme picX oF theM..hmm..ya..sO I thInK tats It..


did nth muCh though 2day..juSt gO out witH tHem 2 bt gOmbaK..we ate at tHere deN all weNt HoMe..sO heRe i aM nOw updatIng...

sO..tats iT nOw..

choWzz ppL..

|3/18/2007 02:55:00 PM
juSt bOred...


well..i'm daMn boreD nOw at hOme..but nOt 4 lOng..mY couzins will bE coMin' in a sHort whIle..tHey shld be On tHeir wAy Now...hmm..i tHinK tats all 4 Now..i shld be posTing aGain..sO..Have Fun GuYz...

SeE ya...


|3/18/2007 01:05:00 AM


well..its already 1am..& i'm still awke..i juSt can't seEm 2 gO 2 bed..duNno ar Y..
hmm..oK..2day..well..woKe up at 8+..den get reAdy 2 gO 2 sKoOl..well..i didn't gO 2 global coz i gt somethiNg else on..hmm..sO..when i came dowN 2 was already the eNd oF the 1st haLf..the score was already 6-2..we were leadiNg..damN our TeaM is geTting beTter..hmm..
Congrats 2 TeaM B tOo..4 wiNning also..

hmm..aFter tat..all oF us head 2 BP..we ate at KFC..den..some went hoMe den sOme went Ngee aN 2 play sTreet soCcer...but i want hoMe..reacH home..weNt onlIne..reSt awhiLe..den..around 7+ me & my parentS went oUt..2 gO 2 Giant at IMM..hmm..ard 9+..we tOoK a cab home..


I thiNk tats all..

sO borg..

see ya ppL..


doN't 4get 2 taGg ppL..

Friday, March 16, 2007 |3/16/2007 11:40:00 PM

Our WonDerFul HerOes...

Our WINNERs 4 the caMp..SPONGEBOB..

CaMpFiRes buRniNg..

The sTudeNts fRom SponGeBob..



ScOoby-DOo's leAders..Ayid..Ahmad..

Our wInNer..Teen Titans...

MicKey MouSe..

he muSt be tiRed...pOor JacK..

Teen Titans...

Our campers lining up 4 the bus..

Teen Titans in aCtion..

GarField & their leAder...

Our Teen Titan leAder...JacK..

LoOk..micKey's tOwer is staNding alReady..

The leAders oF MicKey mOuse..Zima..Lynn..